Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...
Way back before I ever started doing the Totally Rad Show, there were two audio podcasts I would never miss, week after week: 1up Yours and This Week in Tech.
Sitting at my day job, dreaming of doing something similar, I'd listen to those shows wishing I could throw in my opinions with all those personalities I respected. When I started running to train for my first marathon, those audio shows were with me. I'd forbid myself from listening to them while I wasn't running, so my desire to hear the newest episode always motivating my training.
And this week, in the SAME week, I was actually a guest on both shows. What? Whose life is this? On the scale of things you can brag about to your parents, I suppose this doesn't rank very high, but for me it is pretty incredible.
It has been an amazing couple of years doing TRS, and I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who listens to us each week in the same way I listen to my favorite shows. I just wanted to take a step back and note a pretty cool moment. Sometimes dreams do come true :)
Oh, and in case you missed them, here are the episodes I was fortunate enough to sit in on:
You may also want to check out my recent appearance on /Filmcast, a newer favorite show of mine.
And to everyone reading this, thank you for all your support.

Reader Comments (39)
It was awesome seeing you on TWiT Jeff! Hope they get you on again soon.
You were great on TWiT, especially for your first time. Here's hoping you get to accomplish more of your dreams, and hopefully be on the show more often.
This is probably the cleanest squarespace site i've seen yet.. very tight.
Great twit appearance! It was good to hear a little gaming coverage on the show. Go Scribblenauts!
wish a was awake when TWiT to comment in…
Congrats Jeff, so cool that you're living your dreams! TRS sure has inspired me to do follow my dreams and talk about the things i love. Keep up the good work!
You did a great job and I feel exactly the same way you do about those two iconic podcasts.
Best Regards, Jim
This is a tear jerker, keep up the awesome work. Congrats Jeff.
You give me hope that some day I will be on Diggnation and The Totally Rad Show ;)
Really enjoyed your appearances on both shows. Already a big fan of both of those podcasts but hearing you as a guest was the cherry on top.
It was terrific to hear you both places! I've often wondered why we've not seen more of you out there. When ANYONE can get a word in edgewise over Calacanis, that's a feat - and you got more than one!
Congratulations on the appearances, and next step: lead role in major motion picture.
Congrats Jeff! Funny...I do the same thing with Twit and TRS! Only listen while I run. Then later I go back and watch the great video moments on TRS. It was a great surprise to hear you on Twit. Love your story. I was in the same place you were 2 years - and I'm still there! :(
Thanks for great running post too. Keep it RAD!
Great job on TWiT! Kudos for getting words in edgewise!
You were a bit quiet at first on this weeks Twit but warmed into it. Great work!
It was great being on TWiT with you! Looking forward to checking out ListenUp and Scribblenauts. I used to rush home every day from work to watch TiVo'd ScreenSavers, it's surreal for me too. :)
just wanted to say, i've been a fan of your work on TRS since the beginning, but one thing i've learned over the past few weeks, is that jeff cannata is indeed a superstar. Your indepth and well thought out points in movies (/film cast), video games (listenup, co-op, live streams), tech (TWIT) and even just random fun (bbliveshow) to go along with the usual awesomness that is TRS has really showed your versatility and talents. keep up the good work mr cantana!!
Jeff for the 4th chair on listen UP!
You where great on TWiT, especially enjoyed you putting on your sun glasses during a Calacanis rant. Keep up the good work on TRS.
I always tell my friends that I look forward to The Totally Rad Show more than anything on television. Of course I watch and love many other shows on and off Revision3, but TRS has long been my favorite. It reminds me of the conversations I always have with my friends about a new TV show, or a movie we just all watched together.
Thanks for keeping me entertained every Tuesday, rain or shine.
Podcasting was made for you, almost literally.
It worked out for me because I've had this idea that you and Tom Merritt would work well together, and it just happened! Your both word smiths, jack of all trades knowledge and have an admiration for puns. Tom got a kick out of your "Arms race of arms racing" line. Great job Sunday!
Jeff, it was great seeing you on TWIT. Would love to see you appear in more future episodes. I've downloaded the Filmcast and ListenUp episodes also and will listen to them soon. Keep up the good work in TRS and every podcast you guest on!
I posted a discussion thread on TWIT 198 in case you want to check it out - 'TWIT 198 - Cannata and Calacanis".