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    Your Friendly, Neighborhood Spider-Man Reviews

    Are you a fan of the ol' web-head like I am?  Well, I got you covered with my reviews of the biggest summer happenings in the Spidey-verse.  First up, my review of the Amazing Spider-Man 2 film, hitting theaters this week:

    And I've also got my take on the new Amazing Spider-Man #1 comic book hitting newstands this week from Marvel Comics:

    If you're looking for a spoiler-filled discussion about Amazing Spider-Man 2, I also joined the /Filmcast this week to jaw even more about it.  Check that out here.

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    Reader Comments (15)

    Jeff, you gotta check out the show Rectify - only 6 episodes long on netflix, second seasons coming soon

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    November 26, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterlucky

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    December 16, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterlucky

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    December 30, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterchinni

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