Your Pithy Replies: WoW vs College
I logged into WoW today (oh, I'm waaaay back into the addiction), on the sixth anniversary of the game's release, and remembered back to when I logged on that first day, way back then. Log queues for over-capacity realms, frequent server crashes... ah, those were the days.
Then it hit me... 6 years? Even at the rate I went through college (I was on the 5 year plan) I have been visiting Azeroth longer than I visited UCSB. So I tweeted:
"Jesus. I just realized I've been playing WoW longer than I was in college."
Below are some of my favorite responses. As always, you can follow me at
@StephanieLantry Which one has had a better ROI?
@HebrooooHammer You know you're a nerd when...
@JPierce The question is, which has taught you more and which has caused more alcohol consumption?
@StevenBennett If only school was $15 a month and you rolled for grades...
@prsgame Which was more worthwhile?
@zombiebrainz Was that a prayer or a statement? :)

Reader Comments (5)
I also think it was a resourceful website. Heck, I'm getting a Roomba AND a hand holding a taco! The article written by you, well, I don't think it was actually you...I think it was an alien pretending to be you. Just kidding. Its your evil twin, not an alien.
(love the shows, love your work, lose the beard.)
What's really great is doing a /info in game and seeing how many actual hours (days) you've played.
That's a lot...but it's great entertainment and I've met some great people doing it, both digitally and irl either through wow or by finding out, "Whoa, you play wow?!" It's quite simply like any other interest!
Grats on the addiction and keep having fun!
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