Forever is a Very Long Time
In the age of the internet, nothing is forgotten.
Working as a non-union actor in Los Angeles the first few years after college, I naturally sought out any opportunity I could to get paid for my craft (and, honestly, not much has changed. Anyone want to hire me?). That included taking some modeling gigs through my first commercial agent. Most people think of modeling as Victoria's Secret and Calvin Klein - all glamor and fashion - but there is quite a bit of work out there that might not occur to you. Every photo of hands holding a taco, or smiling kid, fresh from the dentist... well, that's a model, too. And yes, I took a few gigs where only my hands were shown... or my back, or me so far away from camera you can't even really tell it is me at all.
But now that I've garnered a bit of a following, my earlier work is noticed by people who recognize me. Every ridiculous photo, or stupid commercial I did is out there on the web. Which is fine... and often funny. I'll admit many a TRS fan has asked me how my Roomba family is doing because of this little video:
But sometimes I'm totally thrown by something I did long ago that surfaces in the most unexpected way. Today, @tomtranmer on twitter sent me this link to a book on Amazon. Yep, that's me on the cover. I don't endorse this book or even know what is in it. I was paid a couple hundred dollars years ago to take that picture for a completely different product, in a completely different context. But there I am on the cover of a book. Freakin' weird.
And because it was non-union, I get no extra compensation for this photo's reuse.
So let this be a lesson to young actors and "models"... hell, even those of us who throw pictures online without regard for EULAs and ownership rights:
Nothing goes away.

Reader Comments (17)
"Don't you love it when technology actually makes our lives less complicated?"
Jeff Cannata: Loving loving stuff since this Roomba commercial!
too bad about the reuse abuse, but there is nothing to be ashamed about working for a living. Keep up the great work Jeff
Aww shucks. Not ashamed to say I'm a little proud to get a mention in your blog Jeff.
I'm pretty sure I have an old lavalife commercial online with no dialogue, just some serious making out. I thought about my lips for hire while working that day.
Have a great one!
Tom Tranmer
What you could do is create an Amazon Associates account, create a referrer link to that book, and get commission for any sales using your link. Genius!
Also, if you're going to start blogging more, replace the native Squarespace comment system with Disqus, it's much easier to moderate and allow people to create trackable comments.
Very cool to see Jeff updating the blog again.
Bummer that someone posted a negative review of the book on Amazon. Funny, yeah, but whoever wrote the book is just trying to make a living.
I am loving the blog posts Jeff! Anything that gets us more Cannata content is great! I love the insight into what you do for a living "outside of TRS". For those of us that aren't involved in the acting/show business community it's quite interesting.
It's basically a book about how to spam people?
I can't help but find it funny, eventhough it *is* kinda creepy :P
The fact that you can't really do something to change this is kinda bummer though.
You are a wonderfully strong writer. It's great to see you back
I may be the only TRS/Scooba fangirl out there, so that video is full of win for me. Many a night my Scooba is hard at work while I'm parked in front of my 360. <3 this!
John Gabriel's Greater Internet Theory proven once again
This is a good article,thank you for your share,I like it very much.To let me experience many things, hope your life is full of happiness!
So I clicked on your link to "the book" on Amazon and found it pretty funny. But what I found more amusing was when I scrolled down to see "Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed", customers were also viewing things like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Irredeemable Vol. 1 and even Kirby's Epic Yarn among others. It's clear that your Totally Rad followers, including myself, are very loyal.
P.s. I wish this blog had a lot more puns. Then, it would truly be your blog.
"Roomba dad needs toast! Where's toast robot?"
...and that's how Battlestar Galactica starts.
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