Top 10 for 2010 - Video Games
My week of top 10 lists continues today with video games. One caveat, of course, is that I didn't play everything that was released this year. In fact, some very notable games never crossed my controller, including Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Medal of Honor, and Gran Turismo 5. But here are my favorite 10 of what I played in 2010.
Oh, and one other thing. I didn't consider Cataclysm as a viable candidate for this list. As an expansion that requires multiple other purchases to work, I didn't think it qualified - plus, it exists in some nebulous other realm - a lifestyle rather than a game. It is a different beast entirely and unfair to compare it to everything else. So it has a giant asterisk and hovers above the entire list, looking down on it with disdain.
1. Civilization V
If I were only allowed one game to play for the entirety of 2011, I would not hesitate to choose Civ 5. It provides the deepest, most engrossing experience of any game this year, and I find myself dreaming about finding opportunities to play "just one more turn." The refinements made to the series, including a gorgeous graphics engine, new one-unit-per-tile military strategies, a slick, easy to understand UI, and a host of other new features make even previous Civ games obsolete. It is on my short list for favorite game ever.
2. Red Dead Redemption
Yep, it is as good as everyone says. One of the most beautiful, believable game worlds every created, an ambitious, well-written story, and so many different kinds of things to do make it a triumph of the open-world genre. Add one of the best all-time video game endings, and RDR goes down as one of the most memorable video game experiences I've ever had. I just wish Rockstar could fix some of the annoying, persistent control issues in their games. Still, minor gripe for a game this good.
3. Starcraft 2
This game oozes quality on every level. Of course the multiplayer is top-notch. But I was struck by how ambitious Blizzard was in pushing forward the single-player aspects of the game. Missions are far more interesting and varied than they ever were in Starcraft or Brood War, and the Terran-only storyline turned out to be absolutely meaty enough to sustain its own release. Great looking, sublime to play, it manages to outshine its predecessor - a game I've always considered the closest thing to a perfectly designed video game.
4. Limbo
Some might object to a short, downloadable game ranking this high on my list, but I felt a grander sense of wonder and discovery in Limbo than I did in many larger, more expensive games this year. Simple, intuitive, with an elegantly communicated story, I believe it is a must-play game. And talk about fantastic endings! It was certainly one of the most rewarding game experiences of the year.
5. Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain is a game I find myself constantly referencing. It is the type of bold, innovative interactive experience that I wish more game designers were attempting. I loved the clever ways the different movements of the controller conveyed feelings analogous to what the onscreen characters were experiencing, and the automatic save system connected me to my story - the story I was crafting - in a profound way. I think Heavy Rain did more for video gaming as a medium than anything else released this year.
6. Alan Wake
I was sad not to be able to fit this game into my top 5 and sadder still that it did not sell better. Alan Wake was an awesome experience that deserved more attention. Fun, visceral combat, an engaging storyline, memorable characters, and a marvelously realized game world - plus, the kind of tight, effective controls I wish Rockstar could master. If you have not played Alan Wake, you missed one of the best games of this or any year.
7. Mass Effect 2
Bioware managed to fix nearly every problem of the first game in the series, but created a few more. Still, Mass Effect 2 is crackling good fun. What a difference great combat makes! The gorgeous graphics and excellent dialog system are still intact, and the story is still good pulp sci-fi. Hours and hours of great interactive entertainment.
8. Halo Reach
We get to number 8 before any FPS titles make the list, but exciting, unpredictable firefights, great level design, and the best storytelling of any Halo title to date, makes Halo Reach an undeniable winner. Add in multiplayer for any kind of gamer, from co-op to competitive matchmaking and team play, Halo Reach is a phenomenal package - and another game with a great, memorable ending.
9. Darksiders
Darksiders is my dark horse for 2010, my favorite underappreciated game of the year. Is it derivative of Zelda? Sure... but what a wonderful game to be derivative of! Spot-on, tried-and-true gameplay, that awesome feeling of being over-powered with each new power-up, great controls, and all in beautiful HD! If Nintendo refuses to give me my HD Zelda, I am happy to enjoy this darker, equally thrilling cousin. Bring on the sequel!
10. Kirby's Epic Yarn
Perhaps Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the more robust, inventive platformer, more deserving of a spot on the top 10, but I just can't deny the joy, wonder, and unabashed whimsy on display in Kirby's Epic Yarn. It is a visual work of art, and the game's mechanics are solid, and never fail to surprise and entertain with each new challenge. I adored my experience playing it and am so glad it exists.
There you have it, my favorites of the year. A great year for video games, no doubt, but 2011 looks like it could be even stronger. Let me know what you thought of the list and don't forget to check out our official Totally Rad Show game of the year episode, too.
Tomorrow, we take a look at TV.

Reader Comments (23)
You meant Halo Reach, right?
No God Of War III?!
I personally loved Limbo and Heavy Rain. GOW 3 was epic in my opinion.
Good list though. Still surprised that GOW 3 isn't there.
Good list Jeff. im pretty sure you meant halo reach. also did you ever get to play Fable3?
Halo 3 came out in /08 didn't it? Unless I missed your rules around picking games. Great list! I played civ 4 but I never really got into it :( roller coaster tycoon 2 was the only civ type of game I really played a lot of.
Wait, so the cocaine that is WoW doesn't make the list? :( I'm blown away! I started playing WoW just few days ago because your review pushed me over the edge of resisting it and the game has been amazing! Everything about the game had been revamped, and is insane addicting on whole
Excepting the xbox and wii exclusives which I can't play (no xbox and no wii) I agree with the list! I'm glad to see Darksiders there, the game was a pleasant surprise for me and the ending was amazing!
Great list. We have very similar tastes, so I will have to check out darksiders. I agree with the rest of the list. Limbo would be in my top 5 too which is crazy for a downloadable game.
Are you on Raptr? I'd be curious to see if you prefer (overall) strategy games to FPS or Action. How many hours do you think you put into these games?
I'm glad to see some love for Civ 5. It's odd that this year seemed to be a down year for games but there were some monster titles that were released throughout the year. Great list, no disagreement on the choices here.
Jeff, Any chance of an Eve online review?
Don't feel bad about leaving Medal of Honor off your played list. It was a rushed and incomplete game that had to slot between Halo and CoD:BO. Sadly, the end result was a buggy, rushed, untested mess of a game.
I'd only half-heartedly argue with you about your stance on Cataclysm; it's almost unfair to call it a game of the year when it's really, WoW as an entire body of work, a game of the decade sort of thing. But if there is one argument for it, I'd say that Cataclysm is a reinvention of most of the WoW experience, from revamped leveling from 1-60 to an entirely new playstyle in end game content (healing a heroic5 was the most pain-inducing moment I've had in what, 5 years of WoW?), it's a new game for people who've been playing for years, and the first ever excuse to re-roll a class you've already played before. But you're correct; WoW is a lifestyle as much as it is a game, much like D&D or video gaming in general.
Props on SC2 in the list. As far as raw quality goes, SC2 is tops, and worth the extended dev cycle.
"Cracking good" my man, "cracking good" ;)
Aaah... Limbo... What a masterpiece... Strange you didn't mention Bayonetta though. Nervous gameplay, fully assumed second degree / parody, in one word : pure fun (I know it makes two)
Also, I fully agree with you on Darksiders : it "borrows" mechanisms to so many games (of course Zelda, but also God of War or even Portal (!)), that in the end, it creates his own style. Very very good game.
You stated in your trs red dead redemption review that if a person was to choose between Alan wake and red dead, that they should choose Alan wake.
Great list. 5 out of those 10 I own including Civ 5!
But wait ... did I just listen to the latest Weekend Confirmed where upcoming Xbox Live Arcade games of 2011 were discussed and you, Mr. D & D, failed to mention this?
Great list Jeff! I'm happy every time I see somebody sing the praises of Darksiders. Such a great, fun experience.
Yeah, it's derivative of Zelda in it's mechanics, but the universe and comic-book art style are all it's own. Oh, and there's voice acting and HD graphcis! Who would have thought!
At this point, I think we can stop calling Darksiders "underrated" as it has appeared on many Best of Lists
I can't agree more about Civ5. If I were stuck on a desert island (with a power outlet), I would despair less if I had Civ5 to play.
I have to confess that the real reason I am writing this comment is to make a site suggestion. Can you please 1) add a search box so I can find older content? and 2) add a feedback form so I don't have to use your comments to tell you this.
Thanks for making geekdom a little more cool,
Yay! Some love for Darksiders!
I know you were set against Demons Souls, but it is not a difficult game! Honest. It's like a rogue game in some respects - you will die a lot but each time you get a bit further. (keeping your collected items natch). It's probably my game of the decade let alone year, and I don't consider myself to be a very good gamer. Give it a go Jeff, trust me you won't be disappointed.