Top 10 for 2010 - TV
Doing a top 10 list of TV shows for the year can be a little tricky. Unlike Movies or Video Games, the same series continue year after year without much change, so these lists can feature a lot of the same shows. I could have filled the list with perennial favorites like The Daily Show or 30 Rock, but decided to limit my selections to things that are new, or significantly different in 2010. Plus, I can be pretty finicky with television (and I don't have enough time to watch everything I'd like to), so my list will undoubtedly be missing a few things, simply because I haven't watched them yet. For example, I just - just - started watching the first season of Breaking Bad (look for a TRS review in the new year), so I didn't consider it in my list. I also haven't gotten around to watching Sons of Anarchy yet, and somehow never found time to watch the latest season of Mad Men. I know, I know. So please take my list below as what I loved watching in 2010.
1. Louie
No show filled me with more joy, anticipation, or drop-everything-and-watch-this-now urgency when it appeared on my DVR than Louie. The show is not like anything else on TV - so brutally honest and truthful, so achingly funny and insightful. It tackles taboo subjects boldly and unflinchingly, but never fails to be entertaining. I think it is a work of genius.
2. Justified
Across all my top 10 lists this year - from True Grit in movies and Red Dead Redemption in video games - Westerns have been very prominent. Justified continues the trend, as a fantastic modern Western on television. Wonderful, quirky characters, whip-smart dialog, and an awesome over-arching seasonal plot made it a can't-miss new show. Plus, it has Waltin Goggins. 'Nuff said.
3. Community
Yes, it made my top 5 list last year as well, but I think Community deserves recognition in its second season because, as funny and smart as it was last year, it felt like this was the year in which it really found its voice. Almost every episode turns into a spot-on genre parody of some kind, from the geek-awesome Zombie episode, to the brilliant Space Camp send-up, and the cast has really found their groove. It is self-aware pop-culture comedy at its best.
4. Sherlock
The BBC's new Sherlock Holmes series consisted of only three episodes, but what incredible television they were! I would never have guessed an updated, modern day take on the Holmes/Watson relationship would work, but in the hands of Steven Moffat, it has become my preferred interpretation of the characters. Great performances, perplexing whodunnits, and a fantastic way into the head of the smartest guy in the room, it is brilliant on every level. I cannot wait for more.
5. Terriers
I am saddened to hear that this series will not return, because the Shield (best show ever) creator, Shawn Ryan, delivered another excellent hour-long drama. After several "dynamic duo" references in the show, I began to realize it is, in fact, a skewed version of Batman and Robin. They work in questionable ways outside the law, have their own Commissioner Gordon and Batmobile, and relate to each other much like the caped crusaders. I loved hanging out with the two main characters, and their week-to-week shenanigans were always interesting and fun. Well worth picking up on DVD when it is released.
6. Walking Dead
I love the audacity of putting a no holds barred zombie show on television, but I wish I liked the casting choices just a little bit more. This could really have been my favorite show of the year if I felt affinity for the characters. As a fan of the comic, I just didn't think a few of the actors worked as well as I hoped. But from an action standpoint, it conveyed the Zombie Apocalypse that we are all preparing for in the coolest, most visceral way.
7. Damages
Damages had one of the best first seasons of television, but I didn't feel the second was nearly as strong. This year - its third - returned to the high level, with a timely, relevant take on the Bernie Madeoff scandal as its central theme. One of the coolest things about this show is the use of comedic actors and personalities in dramatic roles. The addition of Martin Short and Lily Tomlin to the cast this year continued that very interesting trend, but the biggest stand-out was Campbell Scott. Another tight, season-long mystery with thrilling twists and turns. Great TV.
8. Cougar Town
I avoided this show, as many of you probably have, because of its title, so it was new to me this year. I'm so glad I was introduced to it! Very, very funny writing, a playful wit, and characters that I wish I knew in real life. No show has more fun than this. It is a constant good time - like hanging out with the funniest people at a hip party. The cynicism and irony of most great post-modern sitcoms is enjoyable, but the unabashed positivity here is so refreshing. I promise you the show is not representative of its title. Give it a shot.
9. Boardwalk Empire
While Boardwalk Empire never reached the heights of the Sopranos for me, it was like watching part of a Scorsese movie every week. Finely-crafted, fascinating, and violent, it made for riveting television.
10. Archer
There are many continuing comedies I love more than this - It's Always Sunny, Modern Family, Parks and Recreation, just to name a few - but as a new show in 2010, I thought Archer was an underappreciated gem. Yes it is darkly cynical and in-your-face, but damn is it ever funny. I really like the style of animation, top-notch VO talent, and the constant barrage of jokes. Good watchin'.
Ok, there you have it. My 10 favorites from 2010. Let me know your thoughts!
I've got one more list coming to round out the year... a list of the top 10 of everything else. See you then.

Reader Comments (24)
Oh NOW you give The Walking Dead props….i see how it is. ;)
Yes it has its issues, and sometimes things just don't make sense but..ITS ZOMBIES ON TV.
Did you stop watching Fringe after the first few episodes or something? I'm suprised to find it missing from a geeks list. John Noble's acting is just amazing.
No Friday Night Lights? I'm surprised. I absolutely loved the fourth season.
Its a shame you did not include, or watch, 'Breaking Bad'. It is, and has been, one of the Top shows on T.V. the last couple of years.
Also, Spartacus had a VERY impressive 1st season.
I haven't had cable in ages, so I don't get to watch that many shows. I did, however, make it a point to watch Archer because everything those people do (Sealab 2021, Frisky Dingo) is brilliant. Yes, Archer is hilarious.
Also, how do you feel about Doctor Who? I believe that Alex has mentioned it a few times on the show, but it's never been talked about fully. I'm a big fan and the new season was spectacular.
Missing Fringe, and The Venture Bros otherwise its a pretty ok top 10.
Jeff, I totally agree with your #1 pick in Louie! I'm so glad I decided to watch it one sleepless night on Netflix. Great show, not for everyone out there, I think its eithmer a
love it or hate it show.
Great choices, must say though I am surprised modern family is not in your top 10.
Great list Jeff. I haven't seen half the shows (they're not playing in New Zealand yet), but I'm going to hunt down some Louie, because it bet out some tough competition.
I think Sherlock is the best show I've seen all year despite hating one aspect. I loved every second until Moriarty showed up. The build up was magnificent, it had me absolutely hooked… but the actor playing Moriarty was over the top, he made some weird choices, wasn't intimidating at all, and simply couldn't compare to Cumberbatch's Sherlock. The scene in the first episode with Sherlock's brother (where we're led to believe it's Moriarty) is more chilling. But like you, I still can't wait for more, I just hope the professor takes a back seat.
What did you think of that final episode and specifically the scene at the pool?
Glad to see someone giving Damages its due. Great show.
And I had totally forgotten Archer was new in 2010! Good pick.
I second the absence of Fringe. Definitely give it another try. From about the halfway point of Season 2, it stops messing around and becomes phenomenal. The third season (currently airing) has been gold episode after episode, not a single clunker. It manages to be not only a great serial, but a great procedural that create cases that relate to the characters' struggles. I cannot think of a better sci-fi program. It also needs the viewers!
To push Fringe more: I rewatched the TRS review of Fringe's pilot, and had the same complaints. Characters were flimsy, acting was so-so, too much Monster of The Week. However all this was corrected as the overarching storyline revealed itself near the end of season 1. Season 2 starts strong (meanders a bit with a few too many MOTW in the middle, but remains entertaining and invested in characters), and finishes even stronger. Fringe's mythology is rich and satisfying as it reveals itself. The fact that John Noble was not nominated for an Emmy for the outstanding episode "Peter" was one of the biggest shames of the year.
This review of the Season 3 premiere has a nice guide at the end of episodes to catch up on to watch season 3:,45183/
I'm so with you on Louie and Sherlock. I was really blown away by both of them. Haven't watched enough of Community, Walking Dead or Boardwalk Empire to form a strong enough opinion- though I liked what I saw. I'll have to check out some of the other shows you've listed.
I like Louie but it's dark to the point of being sad. The show is a little too "real" for me. I like the show but prefer his stand up.
I will definetly check out the Terriers DVD, it has the dude from Grounded for Life in it.
Jeff, have you ever seen the show Psych on USA? What do you think? I think that is a hugely underrated show.
I can't belive that Boardwalk Empire was not the top of all three of the TRS guys. The way that they craft each character's shades of grey is A MAZING. This is the firt show since lost that I have been literally sad about having to wait till the next season.
I will check out justified though, never even gave it a chance
ph yeah and Fringe, they fixed everything that was wrong with tthat show and is quickly becoming one of my favorites of all time as well
Great list Jeff....!
I must agree that Louie is in no. 1
Fringe is missing, somewhere...
TERRIERS!! So glad you got that up there, Im also really bummed it got canceled, really loved the dynamic between Britt and Hank. Like most everyone else, Fringe needs to be up there!
I knew I could count on Mr. Jeffrey Cannata to give LOUIE its due. There is nothing else on television like it: quirky, poignant, ruthless, hilarious (yes, I used it) comedy delivered from a refreshingly idiosyncratic perspective. Had Woody Allen been given free reign to create a serialized comedy in the '70s, LOUIE is what he would have made. (Except, well, he probably would have called it "WOODY.")
I am surprised, however, by the lack of THE LEAGUE on this list. Having just aired its second season, I count this show as one of the funniest on television (second only to the aforementioned WOODY/LOUIE). If you have not seen it yet, Mr. Cannata, please do; I would think a man of your comedy/improv/fantasy-football-playing background could find much to appreciate.
So would you say that the FX network had the best shows of 2010?