DLC Goes Daily For E3 Week!
E3 is the biggest event in the video game world. Every year, it is the showcase for the most important announcements, most shocking news, and most access to upcoming games.
And this year, to cover the event to the fullest, my gaming show, DLC on the 5by5 Network, is going daily for each jam-packed day of the convention! You can listen live each night to Christian Spicer and myself breaking down our first-hand experience of E3, alongside a special guest, or download each show for listening later. Even better, you'll be able to participate in the chatroom and call in directly to ask questions and offer your own opinions about all of the announcements. Here is all of the information you'll need to get the most out of our explosive E3 week on DLC:
Listen live: 5by5.tv/live
Download the show: 5by5.tv/dlc
Call in: 512-518-5714
Monday, June 9: DLC goes live right after the Sony conference between 8-8:30pm PT
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurday, June 10-12: We are aiming for a 7pm PT start
Keep your eyes on twitter, @jeffcannata and @spicer will update you each evening.
Hope you are as excited as we are to hop aboard the 2014 E3 HYPE TRAIN! Choo Choo!